Monday, September 12, 2011

My Entrepreneurial Idea

After a year at SU, I have found that it is in most people's interest to schedule as many of the same classes as their friends as they can. Although this may be distracting in class, people like to take classes with friends because they can help each other out and study together. If there were a website, where each user makes an account and posts their academic schedule, this would be made easy. With my website, students will find it easier than ever to be able to schedule the same classes with anyone they like.

With this website, which has yet to be named, you will be able to see who, out of your facebook friends and twitter followers, has posted their schedules. This is a solid aspect of the site because while it is different than most social media sites out there, it is able to interact with the most popular sites. The site will be free to use and will be targeted towards college students.

I believe my entrepreneurial idea will be successful because once it picks up a few users, it has a lot of potential to spread quickly. Once a person finds out about it and shares with their friends, it can quickly become a popular tool for any college kid trying to create the optimal schedule. Similar in a sense to how facebook became big, my website will hopefully become a tool that students view as a necessity in their social and academic lives.


  1. I reemmber when Facebook used to have the ability to put in your course schedule and see who else was in the classes that you took. They must have done away with that feature 5.. or so years ago? I think it would be great for a variety of reasons. You could also market this to people that perhaps forgot an assignment in a class and don't know anyone else to ask so perhaps there could be some sort of general discussion about classes separate from what the school provides with tools like blackboard.

  2. This is a great idea. I would love to see what classes all my friends were taking instead of asking every single one. I think the interaction between your site and social media is a great idea because more people will do it then. This is defitnely an idea that I think could have potential to be very popular among college students

  3. This is a great idea that can also be implemented. Not only will it be popular with students, but you could also potentially expand the service to schedules in general (but yeah, start off small). I know it's towards the end of the project, but if possible, perhaps you could integrate a system where the site/application can match classes you have with friends. It'd be handy, also, if this could be turned into a mobile application it'd be even more popular and functional.

  4. i believe this a great idea that a ton of students would put to use. i enjoy classes a lot more when i have people i know already in the class. i believe this would have a positive impact on grades as well it might cause a little more class distractions

  5. Solid idea. It'd be cool to have features allowing you to ask the students in a class questions, schedule study sessions, or get some help for homework. Of course, it has the potential to be used in dishonest ways, but if it's correctly implemented, this could be a great tool to not only get help in classes that are difficult, but network with students that have similar interests and can help you further down the road.

  6. Your idea is convenient. There was an article I read about success. Studies showed that people that attend classes with their friends are more successful. With your website you could increase the rate of students that graudate each year.

  7. This is a great idea. Something like this can only be distracting if you allow it to be. Being in class with all of your friends could motivate you to do better and put in that extra effort in class.
