Monday, October 24, 2011

Operating Systems

An operating system is a set of programs that coordinate all the activities among computer hardware devices. My website is a website that can be used on any type of operating system through an internet browser. The operating system has no effect on the way the site works. Schedules and other information will be portrayed as images and other documents through the browser.

Facebook used to have a feature in which students could upload schedules and share their classes with friends. This has since been removed from the site, which in my opinion is a bad move. Facebook has made some questionable choices that have left many users dissatisfied over the years. They often change the layout of the website which is almost always unpopular among the majority of Facebook users.

If my website modified and improved what Facebook had, I believe it can be very successful. Another thing I would like to be able to do is to make it compatible with other social networking sites along with Facebook. It would be beneficial to capitalize on other social media sites to make it more widely popular.

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